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Listen to our Radio Talk Show about Smart Cities

How can public-private-partnerships accelerate smart city initiatives?

On the morning of January 31 I joined Voice America radio for a talk with other smart city experts. Click here or on the coffee cup below to listen to the show:

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The American Society of Civil Engineers graded America’s infrastructure only a D+ and estimated that over 3 trillion US$ is needed to upgrade it to modern standards. However, traditional financing sources are often inadequate.

How do City leaders find resources for municipal services? Are innovative public-private-partnerships such as City Innovate and Superpublic San Francisco one means to achieve this?

The key points from the round of experts and radio host Bonnie D. Graham were:

  • Smart Cities are not about gadgets, sensors or self-driving cars. They are about creating meaningful services for residents.
  • Smart city administrators must become smart city technologists.
  • Public-private-partnerships need to be mutually beneficial or they will not last.
  • Public-private-partnerships combine skills and resources of both the public and private sectors.
  • Social issues & resiliency are taking a front seat for cities.


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